侯志仁 兼任客座副教授
美國加州大學柏克萊分校 環境規劃博士
美國加州大學柏克萊分校 建築碩士
美國賓夕法尼亞大學 地景建築碩士
美國古柏聯盟 (Cooper Union) 建築學士
維也納科技大學訪問教授 (2013)
千葉大學景觀建築系訪問教授 (2009至今)
美國華盛頓大學地景建築系副教授 (2007-2014)
美國華盛頓大學地景建築系助理教授 (2001-2007)
西雅圖國際區IDEA Space社區設計中心協同召集人 (2008至今)
西雅圖市綠地與開放空間基金市民監督委員會委員 (2004-2007)
美國加州大學柏克萊分校環境設計研究中心—專案研究員 (1999-2001)
美國加州大學柏克萊分校都市與區域發展中心—專案研究員 (1998-1999)
財團法人台灣大學建築與城鄉研究發展基金會—專案負責人、規劃師 (1994-1996)
2010 - present
Places Book Award. Insurgent Public Space: Guerrilla Urbanism and the Remaking of Contemporary Cities, Jeffrey Hou, ed. Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA). 2012
Community Builder Award. Seattle Chinatown International District Preservation and Development Authority. May 2012
Award of Recognition for Excellence in Service-learning Education. Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture. 2011
Places Book Award. Greening Cities, Growing Communities: Learning from Seattle’s Urban Community Gardens. Jeffrey Hou, Julie Johnson, Laura Lawson. Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA). 2010
一九九五年維也納世界博覽會整體設計國際競圖〈入選獎〉(1991) ,合作人:Hans Peter Petri 、Christian Eppensteiner、Jeffrey Hou、Yuhang Kong
紐約市建築師協會整體設計獎 (1990)
Abraham E. Kazan 都市設計研究獎 (1990)
2010 - present
Hou, Jeffrey, Ben Spencer, Thaisa Way, and Ken Yocom (eds.). (2015). Now Urbanism: the Future City is Here. London and New York: Routledge.
Hou, Jeffrey. 2014. Life Before/During/Between/After Service-Learning Studios. In Bose, Mallika, et al. (Eds.), Community Matters: Service-Learning and Engaged Design and Planning. London: Earthscan.
Hou, Jeffrey. 2014. Making and Supporting Community Gardens as Informal Urban Landscapes. In Mukhijia, Vinit and Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris (eds.), The Informal American City: From Taco Trucks to Day Labor. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
Hou, Jeffrey (ed.). 2013. Transcultural Cities: Border Crossing and Placemaking. London and New York: Routledge.
Hou, Jeffrey. 2013. Transcultural Participation: Designing with Immigrant Communities in Seattle’s International District. In Hou, Jeffrey (ed.), Transcultural Cities: Border Crossing and Placemaking, pp. 222-236. London and New York: Routledge.
Hou, Jeffrey. 2012. Vertical Urbanism, Horizontal Urbanity: Notes from East Asian Cities. In Bharne, Vinayak (ed.), The Emergent Asian City: Concomitant Urbanities and Urbanisms, pp. 234-243. London and New York: Routledge.
Hou, Jeffrey. 2012. Making Public, Beyond Public Space. In Shiffman, Ron, Rick Bell, Lance J. Brown, and Lynne Elizabeth (eds.), Beyond Zuccotti Park: Freedom of Assembly and the Occupation of Public Space, pp. 89-98. Berkeley, CA: New Village Press.
Hou, Jeffrey. 2011. Differences Matter: Learning to Design in Partnership with Others. In Angotti, Tom, Cheryl Doble, and Paula Horrigan (eds.), Service-Learning in Design and Planning: Educating at the Boundaries, pp. 55-69. Berkeley, CA: New Village Press.
Hou, Jeffrey. 2011. Citizen Design: Participation and Beyond. In Banerjee, Tridib and Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris (eds.), Companion to Urban Design, pp. 329-340. London and New York: Routledge.
Hou, Jeffrey (ed.) 2010. Insurgent Public Space: Guerrilla Urbanism and the Remaking of Contemporary Cities. London and New York: Routledge.
Hou, Jeffrey. 2010. ‘Night Market’ in Seattle: Community Eventscape and the Reconstruction of Public Space. In Hou, Jeffrey (ed.), Insurgent Public Space: Guerrilla Urbanism and the Remaking of Contemporary Cities, pp. 111-122. London and New York: Routledge.
Hou, Jeffrey, Julie Johnson and Laura Lawson. 2009. Greening Cities, Growing Communities: Learning from Seattle’s Urban Community Gardens. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
Hou, Jeffrey. 2009. Everyday Landscapes and Urban DIYism in Sanzihou, Taipei. InTensions, 2.0, spring. Uncommon Ground: Everyday Aesthetics and the Intensionality of the Public Realm.
Hou, Jeffrey. 2008. Traditions, Transformation, and Community Design: Making of Two Ta’u Houses. In Bell, Bryan, and Katie Wakeford (Eds.), Expanding Architecture: Design as Activism, pp. 74-83. New York: Metropolis Books.
Hou, Jeffrey and Isami Kinoshita. 2007. Bridging Community Differences through Informal Processes: Reexamining Participatory Planning in Seattle and Matsudo. Journal of Planning Education and Research 26(3): 301-313.
Abramson, Daniel, Lynne Manzo and Jeffrey Hou. 2006. From Ethnic Enclave to Multi-ethnic Translocal Community: Constructed Identities and Community Planning in Seattle’s ‘Chinatown-International District. Journal of Architecture and Planning Research 23(4), Winter: 341-359.
Hou, Jeffrey and Min-Jay Kang. 2006. Differences and Dialogic Learning in a Collaborative Virtual Design Studio. Open House International 31(3): 85-94. Special Issue on Studio Teaching Practices: Between Traditional, Revolutionary and Virtual Models.
Hou, Jeffrey, Isami Kinoshita and Sawako Ono. 2005. Design Collaboration in the Space of Cross-cultural Flows. Landscape Journal 24(2): 125-135.
Hou, Jeffrey. 2004. Preserving for Multiple Publics: Contesting Views of Urban Conservation in Seattle’s International District. City and Time 1(1): 29-38. [Online] URL: http://www.ct.ceci-br.org
Hou, Jeffrey and Michael Rios. 2003. Community-driven Placemaking: the Social Practice of Participatory Design in the Making of Union Point Park. Journal of Architectural Education 57 (1): 19-27.
Hou, Jeffrey. 2000. From Dual Disparities to Dual Squeeze: The Emerging Patterns of Regional Development in Taiwan. Berkeley Planning Journal 14, 2000, p. 4-22.
侯志仁(編著)(2013) 《城市造反:全球非典型都市規劃術》。台北:左岸文化。
侯志仁(編著)(2013) 《反造城市:台灣非典型都市規劃術》。台北:左岸文化。
侯志仁 (2007)〈地景與建築的六種曖昧關係〉,《Dialogue 建築》,118期,11月 ,66-73頁。
侯志仁 (2003)〈文化地景保存: 台灣文化資產的地景範疇建構〉,《追求文化資產的真實性2001台灣文化資產保存研究年會論文選輯》,王惠君編,台北:國立文化資產保存研究中心籌備處。
侯志仁 (2003) 〈從普世性到差異性:文化資產保存論述的轉變與挑戰〉,《文建會2003文化論壇:世界遺產系列講座論文輯》,台北:文建會。
侯志仁 (2003) 〈文化地景保存:台灣本地之論述建構及與世界遺產體系之接軌〉,《二2002年文建會文化論壇系列實錄 -- 世界遺產》,丘如華、夏鑄九、侯志仁等編著,台北:文建會。
侯志仁 (1999)〈變遷中的族群與變遷中的家園: 達悟的新家〉,《生活地景 -- 閱讀文化地景經驗》。倫迪 鶴斯特、張聖琳、王師 編譯著。78-99頁。台北:土生金農業股份有限公司。
侯志仁 (1999)〈地景結構、空間規劃與文化再生:談「傳統藝術中心」的規劃構想〉,《生活地景 -- 閱讀文化地景經驗》。倫迪 鶴斯特、張聖琳、王師 編譯著。180-191頁。台北:土生金農業股份有限公司。
侯志仁 (1998) 〈戲看南城:宜蘭演藝廳與宜蘭市舊城振興〉,《建築師雜誌》24(5),1998年五月,114-116。台北:中華民國建築師公會聯合雜誌社。
王惠民、侯志仁 (1997)〈文化的米倉:四季泰雅穀倉保存記實〉,《宜蘭文獻雜誌》。第29期,78-94頁。宜蘭:宜蘭縣立文化中心。
侯志仁 (1996)〈遺棄的部落:南澳武塔舊社之行〉,《宜蘭文獻雜誌》。第24期,111-123頁。宜蘭:宜蘭縣立文化中心。
侯志仁 (1994)〈雅美人的「國宅」夢魘:地方政策與原住民社會與文化之變遷〉,《空間雜誌》。第63期,十月,32-36頁。台北:空間雜誌社。
西雅圖 Maynard Avenue 綠街計畫(設計顧問)
西雅圖市國際區-- 華埠、日本城、小西貢都市設計整體計畫(社區諮詢委員會顧問)
美國加州屋崙市 Union Point 水岸公園整體規劃(專案顧問)