中華民國景觀學會 理事長
(President, Taiwan Institute of Landscape Architects/IFLA, Taiwan)
中原大學永續環境營造研究中心 主任
(Director, Sustainable Built Environment Research Center, Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan)
宜蘭縣 景觀總顧問
(Chief Landscape Adviser, Yilan County, Taiwan)
宜蘭縣 都市計畫審議委員
(Committee member, Urban Planning Commission, Yilan County, Taiwan)
台灣大學 地理暨環境資源所 博士
(Ph.D. in Geography, National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
美國奧勒岡大學景觀建築 碩士 (MLA)
(Master in Landscape Architecture, University of Oregon, US)
美國奧勒岡大學景觀建築 學士 (BLA)
(Bachelor in Landscape Architecture, University of Oregon, US)
輔仁大學經濟系 學士 (BA)
(Bachelor in Economics, Fu Jen University, Taiwan)
衍生工程顧問公司 副總經理
(Vice president, ECG International Consultants ,1995-2009)
新北市 都市設計審議委員
(Committee member, Urban Design Commission, New Taipei City, Taiwan, 2013-2015)
國家卓越建設獎 最佳環境文化類 審查委員
(Committee member, FIABCIT-Taiwan Real Estate Excellence Awards, Cultural Environment Category, 2006-now)
歐盟Erusmas Mundus訪問學者, 法國, 2015
(Erusmas Mundus program, France 2015)
2014中原景觀學系全球研習 法國地景工作坊
2013中原景觀學系全球研習 法國地景工作坊
2012中原景觀學系全球研習 法國地景工作坊
(France workshop, Landscape Architecture Department, CYCU, 2012-2014)
2011 中原景觀學系全球研習 美西組
2010 中原景觀學系全球研習 美西組
2009 中原景觀學系全球研習 美西組
(Global Study program, Landscape Architecture Department, CYCU, 2009-2011)
Wang, K. Y.; Chou, R. J. (2016) Static policy for dynamic landscape? A study of landscape notions expressed in planning policy and local people's perception in Sicao, Taiwan, International Development Planning Review, 38(2), 159-178. (SSCI)
When an island stops being an island: Development, change and identity, the case in Yilan (Anatomy of Islands Conference, Croatia 2015)
A study of the framework for using perceptual information in landscape planning (2015)
Landscape perception and the reading of landscape (2015)
Unraveling the landscape logics: using land art as a medium to reveal the links
between farming practices, biodiversity and landscape (26th PECSRL, Sweden, 2014)
From scenery to landscape, from design to management: New understanding of
landscape for new dimension of landscape profession (2014)
The improvement of institutional and legal infrastructure for the landscape
profession of Taiwan (2013)
New dynamics of landscape: Using land art as a medium for dialog between
protected coastal forest and tourism (25th PECSRL, The Netherlands,2012)
The beauty of rural landscape in the eyes of the farmers in Taiwan (24th PECSRL, Latvia, 2010)
2016 宜蘭瘋創意 地景藝術季
(2016 Festival of Land Arts and Creativity, Yilan, Taiwan)
2016 景觀新視野 國際地景工作坊
(New Horizon Landscape Workshop , Yilan, Taiwan)
2015 宜蘭地景論壇 國際工作坊及研討會
2014 宜蘭地景論壇 國際工作坊及研討會
2013 宜蘭地景論壇 國際工作坊及研討會
(Landscape Conference, Yilan, Taiwan 2013-2015)
鄉村地景 (rural landscape)
景觀學研究 (landscape studies)
地景經營治理(Landscape management)
(Using food and arts as tools and approaches for sustainable local development and landscape management)
Imagination is more important than knowledge
(Design studio3-4)
(Design studio7-8)
(Design studio, graduate level)
(History of landscape architecture)
( Landscape planning and analysis)
(Landscape engineering)
2010 - present
2010 - present